All The Ways The Super Mario Bros. Movie Tried To Break Its Lead Actor

Pour 1-Up for Bob
All The Ways The Super Mario Bros. Movie Tried To Break Its Lead Actor
Incredibly, there's only ever been one live-action Super Mario movie. It's a divisive film among fans: on one hand, it has an undeniable nostalgic charm; on the other, the producers intentionally bastardized the story because they just kinda felt like making an R-rated cyberpunk movie instead.

Regardless of the outcome, production was a constant waking nightmare: drinking on set, shouting matches, a producer even poured hot coffee on an extra. All that cosmic pressure seemed find its release valve in Bob Hoskins, the legendary actor who played Mario. Here are all the ways this movie tried to wreck this poor man:
All The Ways The Super Mario Bros. Movie Tried To Break Its Lead Actor
All The Ways The Super Mario Bros. Movie Tried To Break Its Lead Actor
He was stabbed. Four times!
It drove him to drink, heavily... He and John Leguizamo were so stressed, they needed to get totally sloshed before filming.
...which caused him to break his X hand. tu 9e i4 KS309 They were filming a stunt in the van, wasted. Leguizamo slammed on the brakes, and Hoskins cru
The producers had to devise creative ways to hide his cast. Sometimes they just painted it pink and called it a day.
All The Ways The Super Mario Bros. Movie Tried To Break Its Lead Actor
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