30 Things About Famous Works of Art People Misunderstand

30 Things About Famous Works of Art People Misunderstand

We all know insufferable people who claim to understand Art with a capital A, and who deliver condescending lectures to the rest of us. But the thing is, sometimes the thing people commonly believe about famous art is objectively wrong. And so, here’s your chance to turn the tables and be the insufferable one for a change…

Entry by ron saito

No one knows who the Mona Lisa is. one of the most provocative theories is that it is a self portrait of Leonardo da Vinci as a woman. CRACKED COM

Entry by K. Haeg

John Trumbull's Declaration ofIndependence,. July4, 1776 is how most people envision the first 4th of July, but it is full of inaccuracies. 1. This ce
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