I am a certified Hilarity Technician and unlicensed Deadliest Man Alive.
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4 Hilarious Self-Help Books for Crazy Old People
Some of the stupidest books I own are for a group everyone eventually joins -- the elderly.
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- By Seanbaby
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9 Simple Tasks That No One in a Commercial Can Do Right
Everyone selling these products seems to be living in some kind of dystopian dimension where even most mundane task is a struggle. I've collected data from countless miracle washcloths and smoothie makers to compile this list of nine simple things no one in a commercial can do.
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- By Seanbaby
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The 8 Greatest Wars Ever Fought by Fox News
Here are some of the greatest military campaigns ever fought by this fair and balanced army.
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- By Seanbaby
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Man Comics: The Manliest Way to Take Out Space Aliens
Fellows and lads! Man Comics returns just in time for punching season!
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- By Seanbaby
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The 6 Most Spectacular Low Points of Modern Pop Culture
Our grand kids will never understand these miscarriagues of creativity, nor will they forgive them.
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- By Seanbaby
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5 Ways to Know Someone Isn't Actually a Badass
Toughness as a virtue died off somewhere in the 1950s, but most men still like to be thought of as badasses. Luckily, I've identified five ways to spot someone who is only pretending to be a badass.
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- By Seanbaby
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3 Guides That Do the Exact Opposite of What They Claim
Bad advice is the world's freest and most renewable resource. Still, there is an entire self help industry devoted to selling it to us.
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- By Seanbaby
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6 Sensible Things You Should Never Do in a Zombie Outbreak
If you have any kind of active fantasy life, you've got at least a vague idea of what you're going to do when society turns into zombies. We're here to tell you those are all bad ideas. All of them.
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- By Seanbaby
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The 6 Most Needlessly Dangerous Jackie Chan Stunts
One of the reasons Jackie Chan movies are so amazing is that he replaces Hollywood magic with balls. However, like all balls, Jackie's didn't always make sense.
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- By Seanbaby
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The 10 Most Absurdly Expensive Products on Amazon.com
Like most of you, I grew up in a place where every local used car dealer and mattress retailer was crazy. It was the only way to explain their insane prices! If those guys went on Amazon.com, their heads would explode.
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- By Seanbaby
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If the Old West Was 10 Times Manlier
If you're a woman, you have only moments to shield your birth canal and run from Man Comics. The rest of you are about to get a look at what the old west might have looked like if cowboys weren't such pussies.
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- By Seanbaby
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The 6 Most Half-Assed Superhero Origins of All Time
Despite the dumbass nature of superhero origins, they are a revered part of our pop culture. You know, except for these ones:
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- By Seanbaby
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4 Wildly Irresponsible Tests for 'Diagnosing' Problems
There are thousands of ways for mental hypochondriacs to go online and self-diagnose every possible disorder, even the ludicrously unlikely ones. Here are four tests you can take to learn shocking truths about yourself.
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- By Seanbaby
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The 5 Worst Marketing Failures in the History of Video Games
When the ‘Diablo III’ servers were broken for most of its first day live, millions of frustrated fingers told the Internet how pissed off they were. However, as far as video game PR disasters go, it couldn't contend with these classics:
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- By Seanbaby
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If the Avengers Were 10 Times Manlier
The Avengers are Earth's mightiest heroes: a viking god, a bipolar nerd, an alcoholic weapons dealer, and the living symbol of a country that has to borrow numbers from China in order to measure its obesity rate. This month, Man Comics is retelling The Avengers' incredible origin story-- a tale so filled with virility that it would be impolite to s
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- By Seanbaby
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4 Instructional Videos No One Could Possibly Find Useful
Before information was free and plentiful, mankind was forced to slowly acquire specialized skills from VHS instructional videos.
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- By Seanbaby
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9 Supposed Action Stars Who Clearly Couldn't Fight
Not everyone has karate skills that translate to film. If they did, then everyone would be Jean-Claude Van Damme. And now that I've given Jean-Claude Van Damme the plot for his next movie, let's talk about some of his colleagues.
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- By Seanbaby
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8 Album Covers That White People Could Never Pull Off
Mankind has always been fascinated by two things: cultural differences, and butts. This week I'm going to study each of these things by examining the least white album covers of all time.
- Authors
- By Seanbaby
- Published