Amanda Mannen
I Have No Sense Of Smell: 5 Insane Realities
A world without sniffing farts seems promising at first, but here's the stinking truth.
- Authors
- By Anonymous, Amanda Mannen
- Published
4 Reasons the Spoiler Alert Is Going Away Forever
Regardless of how you feel about spoilers, there are a few things we need to take a step back and consider before someone gets hurt.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen
- Published
I Got A Hand Transplant: 5 Horrifying Realities
Jane Halston became one of the first people in the world to receive a successful hand transplant. However, it wasn't all sunshine and thumb wars. Here's what the media didn't tell us.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen, Anonymous
- Published
Women Are More Dangerous Than Men: 5 Lessons Of A Bouncer
We talked to a bouncer named Cronk and learned all about terrifying women, Road House, and how everyone is just itching for a fight to happen.
- Authors
- By Anonymous, Amanda Mannen
- Published
6 Shockingly Brutal Realities Of Working For A Museum
It turns out museums are deathtraps and almost certainly haunted.
- Authors
- By Anonymous, Amanda Mannen
- Published
5 BS Myths About Being Poor You Believe Thanks To The Media
As far as most news outlets are concerned, anyone below the poverty line is fair game as a source of national amusement and mockery.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen
- Published
5 Terrible Things You Learn As A School Bus Driver
The real Miss Frizzle would've let the bus run in a closed garage before dealing with those kids again.
- Authors
- By Cezary Jan Strusiewicz, Anonymous, Amanda Mannen
- Published
6 Deadly Serious Cold War Moments (That Now Look Hilarious)
Wars aren't wacky. But wars are fought by people, and people -- if the feces-wracked flow of the stagnant fjord of human history has taught us anything -- are truly, deeply stupid.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen
- Published
5 Things You Learn Helping Rich College Kids Cheat (For Pay)
Note: If you get caught doing this shit, you'll get kicked out of school. Do not take any of this as a recommendation.
- Authors
- By Anonymous, Amanda Mannen
- Published
5 Things You Learn About Sex As A Sex Therapist
For totally not-personal reasons, we found ourselves talking to Amber, a licensed sex therapist. Here's what she told us about human sex in general
- Authors
- By Anonymous, Amanda Mannen
- Published
5 Weirdly Accepted Ways The Media Is Racist Against Asians
With all this credulity-straining clickbait everywhere, it's reasonable to assume that everybody who writes for the Internet is in truth the same stoned intern.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen
- Published
5 Realities As A Gay Person Forced To Stay In The Closet
Going back into the closet, which I had not been in since I was 14, I found it incredibly cramped and horribly decorated.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen, Adam Hii
- Published
8 Famous People That History Got Almost Exactly Wrong
Within the punk rock! Ramones, there was some serious love for Ronald Reagan, The NRA, and a belief that Richard Nixon got a raw deal.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen, Luke John Smith
- Published
5 Bizarre Realities Of My 'Sex Change' You Don't See On TV
We spoke to someone who went through gender reassignment and, naturally, it's nothing like you expect.
- Authors
- By Anonymous, Amanda Mannen
- Published
We Basically Sell Poison: 6 Realities Of 'Supplement' Stores
As a guy who used to work at one of those stores, I can assure you there is way more to these 'health' products than bulk-up shakes and that most of the products are actually terrible for you.
- Authors
- By Anonymous, Amanda Mannen
- Published
The World's 7 Sleaziest Jobs (Didn't Exist A Decade Ago)
To make up for the plethora of failed predictions, we've had to invent sleazy new occupations that not even the most pessimistic sci-fi dystopia could have foreseen.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen
- Published
4 Secrets From The Guys Giving You Tattoos
We talked to Sam to get a behind-the-scenes look at other people's terrible decisions.
- Authors
- By Anonymous, Amanda Mannen
- Published
8 Once Cutting-Edge Websites That Are Now Super Depressing
Like an awful stain on the already disgusting tapestry of porn we call home, here are some of the more inexplicable 1990s artifacts that are somehow still around.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen
- Published
Third-World America: 5 Insane Realities Of Appalachia
How accurate is that impression, though? We spoke with a few Eastern Kentucky residents about what life is really like in the poorest part of Appalachia.
- Authors
- By Anonymous, Amanda Mannen, M. Asher Cantrell, Evan V. Symon
- Published
Awake During Brain Surgery: 5 Bizarre Things You Experience
We spoke to Christie, Emily and Kevin about the strange things you experience when medical professionals cut your skull open and start playing around inside.
- Authors
- By Emily Leighty, Anonymous, Amanda Mannen
- Published