15 Bits of Trivia That Prove Our Simulation is Irreparably Glitchy

Spoiler alert: The McRib is atrocious.
15 Bits of Trivia That Prove Our Simulation is Irreparably Glitchy

What is the meaning of life? This is the righteous question scholars, philosophers, and the worst people who take shrooms and then discover basic human empathy have been asking for centuries. But the truth is we have discovered the meaning of life here at Cracked and we are willing to share it with you, mere mortals. Are you ready to receive it? Come closer… closer… CLOSER I WANNA SEE SNOT ON THE SCREEN.

Okay, ready? The meaning of life is dumb little fun facts that make you go “huh, that’s crazy.”

Fun facts like those polite bastards up in Canada are hoarding over half of the world’s lakes. Also, two of your favorite sneaker brands were started by Nazi brothers who hated each other. Also Portland, Oregon got its name in the dumbest yet fairest way possible.

These facts and more will soothe your stupid monkey brain’s pointless search for meaning, so enjoy, idiots! 

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