15 Simplistic Myths About Exercise, Debunked

Ah, the world of fitness – a realm of myths, misconceptions, and misinformation. From the idea that spot fat reduction is possible to the notion that hours in the gym are required to get the body you want, it’s no wonder so many of us are confused about how to get fit and stay healthy. But have no fear – this list is here to take on the myths and set the record straight.
We’ll start by debunking the idea that crunches alone will give you a six pack, and then move on to the truth about exercise and diet, and how neither one alone will get you to your fitness goals. We’ll explore the notion that your muscles will turn to fat if you skip the gym, and then examine whether it’s better to work out in the morning or at night. We’ll discuss the science behind weight loss, and why diet is key.
So if you’re ready to get fit and stay healthy, this list is here to help. Let’s take on the myths and get the facts straight – no more hype, no more confusion, no more misinformation. Let’s get fit and stay healthy – smarter, not sorer.

Working Out

Machines: Get fit, or get hurt?

Run smarter, not harder: Tips for protecting your knees.

Scale not telling the whole story? Try measuring inches and body fat.

24-hour muscle growth: spread out protein intake.

Gym cardio machines: 42% overestimation?

Progressive Training

Gain muscle, not bulk – lift weights.

Diet, not cardio: the secret to weight loss.

Get fit: morning or night?

Get the body you want – no hours in the gym required.

Skipping the gym? Don’t worry, no fat-transformation.

Work out AND eat right for a healthy life.

Don’t believe the hype – no spot fat reduction.