29 Terrible Old-Timey Toys That Kids Must Have Absolutely Hated

How hard can it be to make a decent toy for a child? While we’re sure that there are some unexpected nuances to the job, it has to be truly difficult to make an awful toy for children. Seriously, just take something that kids like, shrink it down to fit in a kid’s stubby little hands, ensure that it’s not an accidental murder machine, and boom, throw it in a box and ship it off to stores (or wherever people buy toys nowadays).
But as easy as it sounds, the people below missed the memo. Somewhere in that pretty straightforward process, things broke down. Maybe it was dangerous, maybe it was culturally insensitive or maybe it was just something no kid could possibly want to play with. Whatever the case, it’s all here.

Premature Cabbage Patch Kids

Source: These 18 Ill-Conceived Toys Are An Embarrassment To Humanity
Oreo Barbie

Source: These 18 Ill-Conceived Toys Are An Embarrassment To Humanity
G.I. Joe

Source: These 18 Ill-Conceived Toys Are An Embarrassment To Humanity
Chest Wig

Fist Faces

Atomic Energy Lab

Butcher Playset

Baby Princess Diana

Source: These 18 Ill-Conceived Toys Are An Embarrassment To Humanity
Disney Princess Plastic Racing Trike

Source: These 18 Ill-Conceived Toys Are An Embarrassment To Humanity
"Ravishing Reporter"

Source: These 18 Ill-Conceived Toys Are An Embarrassment To Humanity
Fun With Sticks

Hulk Utility Belt

Wind-Up Floor Buffer

Dentist Kit

Toy Stripper Pole

Source: These 18 Ill-Conceived Toys Are An Embarrassment To Humanity

Source: These 18 Ill-Conceived Toys Are An Embarrassment To Humanity
Communist Dictator Hiking Set

Source: These 18 Ill-Conceived Toys Are An Embarrassment To Humanity
Krimson Terror

Jackie Gleason Bus Driver's Outfit

Luscious Limbs

Laverne & Shirley Secretary Set

Easy-Bake Oven

Source: These 18 Ill-Conceived Toys Are An Embarrassment To Humanity
Bratz Babyz

Source: These 18 Ill-Conceived Toys Are An Embarrassment To Humanity
Amazonia Barbie

Source: These 18 Ill-Conceived Toys Are An Embarrassment To Humanity

Pinky Lee Medicine Chest

My Puppy Puddles

Pat Boone Cut-Outs