20 Tropes Masterfully Subverted in Movies and TV

For a while now, we’ve been discussing tropes from the horror, action, sci-fi, and rom-com genres that still have some life in them. Similarly, we’ve also discussed tired tropes and the movies that actually did manage to pull them off. For this Pictofact, however, we wanted to give a spin to our loving research of fiction clichés, so we just focused on films and TV shows that, well, gave a spin to their own rehashed tropes. To set the mood, then, here’s a freebie: the sexy shower scene from Fury Road. Yeah, you know you remember the sexy shower scene.
What’s that? You don’t remember it? Well, that’s the point, there isn’t any. After the sandstorm sequence, the slave wives clean themselves in the middle of the desert just as Max approaches them – but neither he nor the camera sexualizes them. There are no creepy lingering shots, it’s all about their caring for each other and Max’s own survival. As for the audience, however, we’re so used to the male gaze that we either do sexualize the characters or we don’t even notice them because the scene is not framed as a sexy scene. But those two things are on us. As for the movie — yup, it subverted the trope. We now examine, then, other awesome examples of films and television trope subversion.
Criminally Insane

The Mary Sue
Image Credit: Netflix

Rotten Tomatoes Classic Trailers/YouTube
Image Credit: MGM
Refusing to Run Away

Image Credit: Universal Pictures
Time Travel is a Big Deal

Image Credit: Sony Pictures
Celebrity Survivor

Image Credit: Miramax Films
Rich and Mean

Image Credit: HBO
No Resolution

Image Credit: Focus Features
Only Sane Person

Image Credit: Rectangle Productions
Consistent POV

Red State Trailer/YouTube
Image Credit: the Harvey Boys
Nice Guy

Rotten Tomatoes Classic Trailers/YouTube
Image Credit: Neon
Love Triangle

Sweet Memories

Rotten Tomatoes Trailers/YouTube
Image Credit: Summit Entertainment
Serial Killer

Image Credit: Gunpowder & Sky

Rotten Tomatoes Trailers
Image Credit: Paramount Pictures

Image Credit: Miramax Films
Freaky Friday Switch

Screen Rant
Image Credit: Sony Pictures Television
The One

TV Guide
Image Credit: Netflix
Toxic Men

Rotten Tomatoes Classic Trailers/YouTube
Image Credit: Fox 2000 Pictures
Basement Dweller

Source:Screen Rant
Image Credit: CJ Entertainment
Scary Old Man

Rotten Tomatoes Classic Trailers/YouTube
Image Credit: Twentieth Century Fox