20 Tired Rom-Com Tropes (That Still Make Us Swoon)

In true rom-com fashion, we have an ongoing witty banter thing going on with romantic comedies. We love the genre, but at the same time – ugh… it just creeps us out with its slimy, borderline criminality. Plus, it’s been 20 years and we still haven’t forgiven it for how awful How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days was. That being said, our active disdain for the sketchiness of the genre does not preclude us from also liking some of its most common ideas. Thus, we thought we might take a look at some tired tropes of the genre that can still make us swoon. And speaking of swooning…
Alright, we’re gonna be real with the warning here: this article is pure, distilled fluff. No classic Cracked edginess here, just lovely tropes to make us all warm and fuzzy inside. So as a counterbalance to all the sweetness that’s coming, we’re dropping a bitter truth bomb and we don’t care what the PC police says. Oh yeah, Cracked is going to trigger some snowflakes over here. Alright, here we go, ready? No rom-com will ever surpass When Harry Met Sally – YEAH, WE SAID IT. Although Working Girl and Brown Sugar are super underrated. And Before Sunset is even better than Before Sunrise. And Chasing Amy’s dialogues are unparalleled even if its sexual politics are messed up. And Harold and Maude is a timeless masterpiece – alright, whatever, bring on the tropes!
Meet Cute

Multiple Stories

Manic Pixie Dream Girl, Acknowledged


Secondary Romance

Player in Love


Turning Tables

Reverse 'Pretty Woman'

Cool Parents

Falling In Love


Exposing Lies

More Than Eye Candy

Friends to Lovers

First Kiss



Love Declarations

Rom-Com Tropes