30 Facts About the Office to Read Instead of Doing Actual Office Work

If the theme song had lyrics, we’d put a couple here
30 Facts About the Office to Read Instead of Doing Actual Office Work

One of the biggest television sitcoms of all time had a pretty humble beginning. An American adaptation of a British television series about a mundane paper company aired in March 2005, and nobody really cared, with the first season stumbling by with disappointing ratings. Thankfully, NBC believed in the show and held on, and The Office bloomed into the absurdly popular series we know today.

And now here you are, probably avoiding the work youre supposed to be doing at your actual office job, reading a bunch of fun facts about a television show set in a fictional office where people usually avoided their work. Season Two Jim would be proud — and then would do that thing where he looks at the camera and raises his eyebrows or whatever. 

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