30 Facts About Animals That Prove They’re Superior to Humans

Why stop at spiders, Peter Parker?
30 Facts About Animals That Prove They’re Superior to Humans

We all saw how the (multiple rebooted) movies depicted it: Peter Parker is a high school nerd, gets bit by a radioactive spider on a field trip and overnight gains the amazing abilities of a spider. Since the characters creation in the 1960s, millions of kids have imagined a similar thing happening to them. But we have to ask, why stop at spiders? Have you seen some of the amazing abilities that other animals have?

Below is a list of animals that can go obscene amounts of time without requiring water, regrow missing body parts that we might call “essential,” and even recognize their own reflection. Alright, that last one doesnt actually sound that impressive, but it still managed to make the list because pigeons deserve love too. 

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