34 Characters Who Deserved Significantly Better Deaths

They may be fictional, but come on!
34 Characters Who Deserved Significantly Better Deaths

Look, we know the characters mentioned below aren't real. They werent born, they didn't have lives, they didn't really “die.” They were concocted in someones mind, written on the page, primarily for the purposes of navigating dramatic situations for our entertainment. We promise that we fundamentally understand this. But that doesnt mean it doesnt sting when they meet their ultimate ends in unsatisfying ways. Admiral Ackbar gets blown up in The Last Jedi, and were all supposed to move on like our favorite fish dude meme hasnt just been obliterated like it was nothing? Rian Johnson WHY? What did the “Its A Trap!” guy ever do to you? 

Here are some of the biggest bummers in all of fictional deaths, some because they were underwritten or pointless; others because the plot moved on too quickly to properly let us mourn our fictional friends.

Oh, and spoilers, obviously. Proceed with caution.

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