38 Celebrities We Didn’t Expect to See Turn Up in Cartoons

Gettin’ animated
38 Celebrities We Didn’t Expect to See Turn Up in Cartoons

In 1986, Orson Welles played a role in Transformers the Movie. Yes, that Orson Welles. The guy who made one of the greatest movies ever made. Welles himself wasn’t that happy about it, saying in an interview, “You know what I did this morning? I played the voice of a toy. Some terrible robot toys from Japan that changed from one thing to another.

Welles is only one of many legends of the screen who have made appearances in animated movies and television shows — and many seem much happier with the situation than he does. Come on Orson, you got paid to say some silly lines in your pajamas. Can it really be all that bad?


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