16 Weird Batman Foes (Who Should Totally Be in his Next Movie)

The Batman is filled with more Batvillains than you can shake a bat at – Catwoman, Penguin, Falcone, The Riddler, Hush (because Riddler kinda just stole his whole act), and best of all, the Clown Boy. It seems that Batman’s villain universe is expanding — with a new Arkham show on the rise and a sequel all but guaranteed, it’s time to look ahead to Robert Pattison’s cinematic future and all the villains who he’ll be facing (or kissing?) there.
You thought a guy who tied people up and fed them to rats was weird? Check out – Condiment King. You think the Joker looks messed up, introducing his daughter, Duela. If you think the Riddler is too narrow of a vibe, look at the Calendar Man.
Batman’s had some notoriously messed up villains. These aren’t all of them; these aren’t even most of them. But here are some of the weirdest enemies the Bat Dude has ever fought.
The Batman who Laughs

Source: Batman Fandom
Doctor Hurt

Source: Batman Fandom

Source: Batman Fandom

Source: Batman Fandom

Source: Batman Fandom
Crazy Quilt

Source: Batman Fandom
Professor Pyg

Source: Batman Fandom
Mrs. Manface and Baby Face

Source: Batman Fandom
James Gordon, Jr.

Source: Batman Fandom
False Face

Source: Batman Fandom
Duela Dent

Source: Batman Fandom
Condiment King

Source: Batman Fandom
Clock King

Source: Batman Fandom
Calendar Man

Source: Batman Fandom

Source: Batman Fandom
The Bookworm

Source: Batman Fandom