16 Weird Batman Foes (Who Should Totally Be in his Next Movie)

Turns out, Batman's greatest enemy would be... himself?
16 Weird Batman Foes (Who Should Totally Be in his Next Movie)

The Batman is filled with more Batvillains than you can shake a bat at – Catwoman, Penguin, Falcone, The Riddler, Hush (because Riddler kinda just stole his whole act), and best of all, the Clown Boy. It seems that Batman’s villain universe is expanding — with a new Arkham show on the rise and a sequel all but guaranteed, it’s time to look ahead to Robert Pattison’s cinematic future and all the villains who he’ll be facing (or kissing?) there. 

You thought a guy who tied people up and fed them to rats was weird? Check out – Condiment King. You think the Joker looks messed up, introducing his daughter, Duela. If you think the Riddler is too narrow of a vibe, look at the Calendar Man. 

Batman’s had some notoriously messed up villains. These aren’t all of them; these aren’t even most of them. But here are some of the weirdest enemies the Bat Dude has ever fought.

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