36 Things From Our Past That Aged Worse Than We Imagined

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36 Things From Our Past That Aged Worse Than We Imagined

There are plenty of things in the world that only get better as they age: Good whiskies, wines, certain cheeses and The Fugitive. Unfortunately, though, this is not a universal truth for all things. There are many examples of things we loved once upon a time that are all but ruined in the harsh light of modern times. Sometimes its as simple as being associated with someone awful (Kevin Spacey, Bill Cosby, Mel Gibson, you get the picture). But sometimes the whole thing is so bad youre left wondering if you were a little dumb for liking it in the first place. I mean, have you tried playing Mortal Kombat lately? 

Here are some of the worst examples of things we once loved, but now think aged about as well as a glass of milk…

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