Tell Us Now: 20 Movies That Just Don't Hold Up

There are a lot of great movies out there. Classics that we all love and enjoy time and time again. But then there are those films that we watch once, maybe twice, and never think about again. Why is it that some movies just don't hold up? Is it the writing? The acting? The directing?
There's no one answer to this question.
It's a universally acknowledged truth that movies age like milk. The longer they're out in the world, the more likely people are to find flaws with them. Sometimes it's because of changes in cultural context, or sometimes it's just because our standards for what constitutes a good movie have changed. Whatever the reason, there are some films that just don't hold up anymore, no matter how much we may have loved them when they were released. This week, Cracked wanted to take a look at some of those movies and explore why they don't work as well today as we once thought they did.
Which movies do you think don't hold up anymore?

Silence of the Lambs

The Matrix

Revenge of the Nerds

Garden State

The Blind Side

American Beauty