31 Surprising Facts to Spice Up Any Boring Conversation

Fun facts to the rescue!
31 Surprising Facts to Spice Up Any Boring Conversation

Weve all been there: You're stuck at some party or gathering with a bunch of people you either half-know or have never seen before in your life. You're diligently posted by the chips and dip, looking for a dog or cat to interact with for the rest of the night, when suddenly it happens — someone has started a conversation with you. You tell one another how you know the host, if you live around here and that the song currently playing is a banger. Now youre stuck awkwardly nodding your heads waiting for someone to end this misery. 

Dont fear! We have you covered with the following facts that, when brought up out-of-context, with bare minimum result in a “Huh! Interesting!” from your chatting companion! If youre still stuck after youve run through all of these, we guess you can go hide in the bathroom or maybe a cat will finally show up. 

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