15 Revelations About This Screwy World
The world we live in is utterly strange. There are plenty of things to argue about: global warming, evolution, the existence of the Loch Ness Monster, and of course, whether the United States of America exists on flat Earth. But when you look back on the history of the planet, it seems as though we should just agree to disagree and move on to the next thing. It saves some time, anyway.
But, all that said, we can at least agree on the truth of cold, hard facts, and here are 15 of them. Some you might have already known, while others are so obscure that most people don't know about them at all. You can use them to start a conversation over lunch, or even use them to impress your friends and family. Either way, these tidbits are sure to keep you entertained until Cthulhu awakens from his slumber. Enjoy!