13 Celebs Whose Favorite Movies Weren't What We Expected

13 Celebs Whose Favorite Movies Weren't What We Expected

Sometimes it helps to remember that celebs are people like any other, and their public persona doesn't reflect all of the. Like tin these cases:

Matthew Broderick

Matthew Broderick's favorite movie is the 1936 flick My Man Godfrey. PROF It's about a high-class woman who wins a homeless man in some kind of weird scavenger hunt, takes him home - and, as you'd expect given this is Hollywood, she falls in love with him. CRACKED.COM


Michael в Jordan

Michael в Jordan is a huge fan of the Matt Damon poker movie Rounders. Everytime that it's on - I watched it I don't know how many times, he said about the movie. CRACKED.COM


Anthony Bourdain

Like all of us, Anthony Bourdain loved Ratatouille, but maybe not for the same reasons. It's a measure of how deficient Hollywood has been in making an accurate restaurant-food based film that far and away the best was about an animated rat. CRACKED.COM


Pope Francis

Pope Francis' favorite movie of all time is 1987's Babette's Feast. It's about a girl from Paris who comes to work for two Protestant sisters in Denmark as their cook and their housekeeper. CRACKED.COM


Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton's favorite movie ever was High Noon with Gary Cooper. Which is kind of bizarre - it's a classic cowboy movie, the kind of thing you'd expect to be, say, Dubya's favorite movie. CRACKED.COM


Jerry Seinfeld

Jerry Seinfeld likes Glengarry Glen Ross and thinks it's a funny movie. And, in fact, he put it on a list of his favorite funny movies of all time. CRACKED.COM


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