30 Cliches and Stereotypes Hollywood Can’t Let Go

They sure do love the same old, same old
30 Cliches and Stereotypes Hollywood Can’t Let Go

Clichés! Hollywood just cant seem to avoid them. You’ve got your trusty go-tos for evil characters: They’re a doctor! They have a cat! Their old name is “dead”! Then, there’s when you need to make sure the audience knows a character is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs: They skirt gender norms! They’re goth! They’re lonely or introverted! If a character is heroic, obviously that means that they’re either a) a captain; b) punching the villain; or c) driving a pickup truck. And we can’t forget that arrogance means eating apples and that being a smart person means wearing glasses and having frizzy, crazy hair. Here are some of the most egregious clichés and stereotypes that keep popping up over and over again…

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