Honest Headlines: 15 Piping Warm Takes

Whoa! These takes are so hot, they're borderline body temperature!
Honest Headlines: 15 Piping Warm Takes

These days, it seems like the only news that ever makes headlines is bad news. Whether it's a natural disaster, a mass shooting, or just another politician caught in a scandal, it can feel like the world is constantly on fire. And while it's important to stay informed about what's going on in the world, all this negativity can take a toll on our mental health. That's why it's important to take a break from the news every now and then and focus on the positive things in our lives. Maybe read a good book, spend time with loved ones, or simply enjoy the beauty of nature. Remember, the world is still full of good people doing good things. And that's worth celebrating.

You've all seen them, those "click-bait" headlines that promise more than they deliver. But what if we were to be completely honest with our readers? No holding back, no sugar coating - just the cold, hard truth. That's what you'll find in this week's edition of Honest Headlines. Let's get started!

Honest Headlines A 63-year-old man won an annual Ernest Hemingway look-alike contest this week in Key West. Judges said the resemblance would have blown Hemingway's mind. Again. CRACKED.COM

Source: AP

Honest Headlines Mayor warns that Florida's theme park mecca is in crisis as COVID cases surge. The good news is, Disney World is open! The bad news is, you have to explain why Goofy just collapsed. CRACKED.COM

Source: AP

Honest Headlines Andrew Cuomo is questioning the neutrality of lawyers investigating his harassment accusations... co SE BW SU DIND TODAY SOB A BETTER TOMORROW TH AV NO once again using his mouth to violate legal boundaries. (allegedly) CRACKED.COM

Source: AP

Honest Headlines Some U.S. states are scaling back virus reporting while COVID cases are surging, leading to a massive outbreak of cause of death unknown. CRACKED.COM

Source: AP

Honest Headlines A man at a Montana fishing shop confronted Tucker Carlson, calling him the worst human being. Carlson doesn't fish, but he HAS made his living off of cheap bait. CRACKED.COM

Source: AP

Honest Headlines Police seized 4 lbs of cocaine hidden inside a cake this week in Maine. Which isn't the first time the cops have ruined a SICK birthday party. CRACKED.COM

Source: AP

Honest Headlines Thanks to the pandemic, homeschooling is seeing a huge surge across the US. And you thought the U.S. birth rate was low before. CRACKED.COM

Source: AP

Honest Headlines An Alaska man who claims he was harassed by a bear for seven straight days has been rescued. The bear is expected to continue a lucrative career in entertainment. CRACKED.COM

Source: AP

Honest Headlines This week, a man in Houston stole an ambulance with a patient still inside. Said the panicked patient This doesn't cost extra, right? CRACKED.COM

Source: AP

Honest Headlines German Olympic gymnasts, citing sexualization, are wearing ankle-length unitards this year. Time to find out how much your uncle really loves the Olympics. CRACKED.COM

Source: AP

Honest Headlines A former strip club in Alaska is now the site of a church. Which means now, visitors will be looking at a mostly nude MAN mounted on a pole. CRACKED.COM

Source: AP

Honest Headlines Warming rivers in the Western US are killing so many salmon that the fishing industry is in danger. Meanwhile, bears are enjoying what they assume is some sort of blessed buffet from a benevolent bear god. CRACKED.COM

Source: AP

Honest Headlines Starting this week, bear hunters in Maine will be allowed to use bait to attract the animals. Which means if you see an abandoned picnic basket in Maine, DON'T TOUCH IT. CRACKED.COM

Source: AP

Honest Headlines Across the country, teenagers are becoming a larger part of the workforce during labor shortages. Said businesses, We're relieved to have finally found workers who don't need to pay rent. CRACKED.COM

Source: AP

Honest Headlines The pandemic is leaving Indian citizens with massive medical debt. Congratulations to them on achieving the American Dream! CRACKED.COM

Source: AP

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