Tell Us Now: 15 Early Memes That Spread Far And Wide Without The Internet

We asked Cracked readers on Facebook to name some juvenile jokes and bizarro info that spread across the globe back in the day, on playgrounds instead of servers. And we were reminded what dark, twisted places those playgrounds could be!
The question we had was: how could these memes so far and so rapidly without the internet? What sort of dark, inter coastal informations networks stretched from middle school home room to middle school home room. How is it that weird-smelling Jimmy from 1st period chemistry knew the secret meaning of ADIDAS just as well as Janelle from gym class could expertly fold a MASH origami fortune oracle? Whether it be the tragic ‘poopers lament’ inscribed inside bathroom stalls all over the country or the REAL reason Marilyn Manson had a rib removed, the fact is the kids just knew. We all just knew.
Please friend, scroll on to uncover the odd anthropological artifacts uncovered by our research into PRE INTERNET CHILDHOOD MEMES, if you dare!