15 Influential Episodes Of Television That Were Completely Lost To Time

In the early days of television, networks considered their content disposable and ephemeral, like the employees at that company on Succession. To hold onto an episode of Doctor Who would be like printing and filing a tweet or recording a podcast onto vinyl. Of course, those things happen under the right circumstances. Well the tweet one at least. Probably. You know, for like presidents and stuff. For the public record? Okay, okay, never mind. The point is, these networks had no idea how influential their little talkies would become, and as a result, we lost a whole lot of cool stuff. Sesame Street? Gone! Well not all of it of course, but some. The Doctor regenerating for the first time? Gone! Who needs to see that? Elvis and Beatles’ landmark TV appearances? Gone! Who cares about those no name indie bands anyway?
…. Yeah you got us. We care that all this neato stuff is gone-o.


The Beatles