14 Moral Panics Over Historical Inventions
People are constantly thinking of the children. Maybe thinking a little too hard, and objecting too hard.

Won't someone think of the children?!
Actually, people are constantly thinking of the children. Maybe thinking a little too hard, and objecting to a bunch of stuff that we know isn't so bad, once we've had a century or so to mull the matter over.

Source: Scientific American

Source: New Scientist


Source: NY Times
Imagine if 17th century Londoners saw "Cats"

Source: Theatre, Community, and Civic Engagement in Jacobean London

Source: CNBC

Source: The Atlantic

Source: A History of Soda Fountains

Source: Wired

Source: Wired

Source: The Guardian

Source: CBS News

Source: Good Housekeeping

Source: American Quarterly