13 Surprising Bits Of Movie And General Knowledge For Your Delectation

Everyone loves watching fantastic films. It is an indisputably amazing experience. Most of the most renowned films ever made, on the other hand, were excruciating to be a member of for those who worked on them. Although you may believe that you know all there is to understand about your favorite films, the director's cut has plenty of information that will surprise even the most ardent movie fans.
We've picked up the most astonishing behind-the-scenes truths from your favorite movies, from being in situations that nearly killed prominent performers to the shocking manner actors got into character. Also, if you want to brush up on your movie knowledge, check out these Iconic Movies You Should've Seen by Now.
It's hard to picture Johnny Depp being passed over for The Rock in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but that's exactly what Tim Burton almost did. Continue reading to learn more about this and the other 12 stories...

Source: CinemaBlend

Source: Page Six
Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle

Source: Uproxx

Source: Den of Geek

Source: ESPN

Source: CBS

Source: PBS
Martin Luther King Jr.

Source: History.com

Source: The Guardian

Source: Irish Examiner

Source: CNN

Source: United States Courts

Source: Collider