15 Deaths Showing The Grim Reaper's Ironic Side

The reaper comes for us all. But sometimes, when he's feelin' goofy, he likes to have a little fun with it! Sure, he could have struck down the anti-seatbelt activist with lightning, but why not kill him in a car crash? We have to imagine the pallid specter of death not only playing chess against a Swiss guy for some reason, but also pulling pranks and then giggling about it.
All (okay, most) deaths are tragic. But some of them are like, a little bit funny too. Like, really: if you wrote some of this stuff into a TV show, you'd get laughed out of a writers' room. Laughed out and then fired. But who could have possibly predicted George Michael's last Christmas would literally be his last Christmas? Not us, that's for sure. I mean, come on. Here are a few of the most ironic deaths in the history of our fragile species:

The Ice Bucket Challenge