38 Random Bits of Comic Book Trivia We Shook Out of Some Middle-Aged Man's Ponytail at Comic-Con

A comic book nerd is a fact-finder’s best friend. They start spouting comic book facts without us even having to ask. For this list, all we had to do was walk into a Comic-Con with our voice recorder on, and the facts started rolling in. We sent the file to the fine folks who add the pictures, and this big ol’ batch of awesomeness is now ready for consumption!
Why can’t every list be this easy?
Asbestos Lady

The Iceberg Lounge

The First Avenger


Deadpool 2

Bill Hader and Seth Meyers

Patton Oswalt’s Comic

Movie Reference

Miss America

Sources: CBR, Marvel Database, DC Database
Arm-Fall-Off Boy

U.S. Avengers

Sources: DC Database, IGN
Secret Wars (Again)


Ultimate Comics

Source: 15 Comic Book Movies With Sneaky Shout-Outs To Their Source Material
Civil War

Source: 15 Iconic MCU Scenes Lifted Directly From The Comics
Stan Lee

Jay Leno

The Wizard of Oz


The X-Men


The Comic Book Bubble

Source: 16 Random Facts About, You Know, the World and Stuff

Source: 16 Random Facts That Will Increase Your Approximate Knowledge of the World

Michael Jackson

Source: Comics Alliance


The Incredible Hulk

Kirby and Simon

Spider-Man: Homecoming

Source: 15 Iconic MCU Scenes Lifted Directly From The Comics
Wonder Girl

Source: 6 Shockingly Dumb Reasons People Invented Famous Characters
Hulk #181

Civil War

Into the Spider-Verse

Thor: Ragnarok

The Avengers

The Comics Code

Secret Wars