40 Random STEM Facts That Are Frankly Less Interesting Than the Politics of Smell

Scientists really knocked it out of the park when they named the first-ever dinosaur fossil
40 Random STEM Facts That Are Frankly Less Interesting Than the Politics of Smell

Russell Crowe

CRACKED cO A drunk Russell Crowe once bought a dinosaur skull from Leonardo Dicaprio for $35,000. After having way too much vodka at Dicaprio's house,

Dinosaur Valley State Park

CRACKED The river at Dinosaur Valley State Park dried up due to a severe drought, uncovering new tracks that had been buried under layers of sediment. The park is located southwest of Dallas and the majority of the tracks date back 113 million years.


Jurassic World

JURASSIC WORLD MANY DINOSAUR SOUNDS ARE ANIMALS HAVING SEX. The bark-like sounds raptors use for communication, for example, were fashioned from modulated recordings of tortoises fornicating. CRACKED.COM

Source: Vulture

Dinosaur Names

Two new dinosaur species might have been discovered CRACKED COM Watch out, Jurassic Park scientists, more dinos are coming. Researchers believe they have discovered bones from new giant predatory species closely related to the Spinosaurus.

The Largest Dinosaur

Amphicoelias Fragillimus, possibly the largest dinosaur that ever existed, giving a modern elephant a piggy back ride. GRACKED.COM


The First Ever Dinosaur Fossil

The first dinosaur fossil was named Scrotum humanum. Serotamlumanum 317 In 1763, physician Richard Brookes gave that name to a dinosaur bone fragment

Source: BBC News


Have you ever thought, My life is great, but it would be better if owned a giant rock of dinosaur poop? These are called coprolite, and giant specim

Utah Teapot

The first object ever created using computer graphics was the Utah Teapot', in 1974. CRACKEDCOMT


A Windows XP computer infected with six types of malware was auctioned for $1.3 million. Stand - the Computer National - - Shared documents - - I Administrator WORTH ... - I - Restrictions - Marage - Decamando . - Expires - Petines - ask Ins the - Photo I - Computer Media Have Teconger - houpen Acomo and the - - Product and Tom - and Settings - - - The laptop is part of an artwork titled The Persistence of Chaos, and was a joint project between artist Guo o Dong and cyber-security company Deep Instinct. CRACKED.COM


The First Computer Program

CRACKED COM The frst computer program 011 was published in 1843. Ada Lovelace wrote what IS considered the 1 first computer, program to calculate Bern


Security researchers discovered dating apps like Tinder kinda skimp on the whole security thing. Tinder The researchers were able to use easily expl

Rat Fetishes

Rats can develop sexual fetishes just like people. Researchers have been able to influence lab rats to be attracted to perfume and even rat lingerie

Paralysis Treatment

CRACKEDCON Researchers have successfully created and tested out implants that communicate nerve signals between the brain & the spine to restore body

Small Talk

Engaging in small talk seems like the best way to connect. But... You'll probably sound like an idiot. Researchers had men spend a few minutes in the


In 2015, researchers at Yale managed to make dino-chickensi. They altered the genes of chicken embryos to change how their beaks formed which resulted

Screen Time

SCREEN TIME LEADS TO UNHAPPINESS. Multiple studies have shown people are unhappier with more screen time. (But I'm professionally required to beg you
Source: VICE

Surveillance State

CRACKED Surveillance COM cameras make us safer, right? Really? Studies show they don't reduce crime significantly, because nobody is monitoring each c


Cereology That's the actual name of the science that studies the crop circle phenomena. CRACKED.COM

Speaking Fast

If you want to improve your sales pitch, try speaking faster. Studies show that speaking faster increases your credibility and makes it easier to conv


Want to ace your presentation? Use comics. No pineapple on pizza! - Studies show that comics are much better than images for conveying ideas. They are

Group Projects

GROUP BRAINSTORMING ON THAT TOUGH PROBLEM? You're better off tackling it as individuals. Studies say coming up with solutions independently and then s


You probably have been spraying your perfume in the wrong place! New studies have shown spraying on your wrists or neck is not very effective for hold


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