40 Bits of Historical Trivia to Scream From the Back of Your Horse As You Sprint From Charlestown to Lexington in the Middle of the Night
Wow, we sure had to invent a lot of stuff because of guns and bullets, huh?

The first-ever special effect in a movie happened in New Jersey, but everyone fuhgedds aboudit.
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The Women


Off with her head! Not for real, though.

Edison Manufacturing Company
Miniatures helped filmmakers shoot much larger settings (and play with toys).

The First PG-13 Rating

Early Films

TV Firsts


Babies in pain, ignored.


Sherlock Holmes

Source: Skallagrim on YouTube

Source: Smithsonian

Robert Hooke discovered elements of gravitational theory before Newton.

The First Recorded Battle in History

A “fireproof” building was the deadliest single-building fire in U.S. history.

No World Peace

The Parliament Oak

The eyes of the world are upon you.

Damnnnn, you spicy little jackasses.

Paramount Pictures
The eyes of the world are upon you.