27 Trivia Tidbits About Pop Culture That’s Aged Poorly

Cracking open some well-known time capsules and giving some serious eye-rolls
27 Trivia Tidbits About Pop Culture That’s Aged Poorly

Today felt a lot like the time mom cracked open our old photo albums when we brought our girlfriend home for the first time. Our girlfriend nodded along politely, but we could tell that she was silently judging a ton of our questionable choices. 

We made sure to tell her that we’ve changed. Those moments don’t accurately represent us now, we swear! Don’t run for the hills. Please. Our hairline won’t even allow for frosted tips anymore anyways!

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Nonstick Peter Pan

PAN CRACKED.COM With songs like What Makes The Red Man Red, Disney's Peter Pan did more than enough to offend Native Americans in 1953. Warner Bros kept that offensive tradition going by casting Rooney Mara as Native American character Tiger Lily in 2015's Pan.


“I Want Action” by Poison

Cringey lyrics from the '80s Poison I Want Action I can't wait to get my hands on them. I won't give up until they give in. If I can't have her, I'll take her and make her. You're gonna make her, Bret Michaels? Well, no means no, Bret Michaels! We'd say this didn't age well, but it wasn't acceptable back then (or ever!). CRACKED


The laziest possible “punchline.”

TIRED COMEDY BITS AWKWARD! In lieu of writing an actual punchline, a character will just say awkward, and the cringe we feel is supposed to be the joke. It's not a joke! It's all set up with a forced awkward chuckle because we're uncomfortable! CRACKED



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