33 Tropes From TV and Movies to Add to Your Cerebral Criterion Collection
It’s a dicey batch. Some of these tropes are fresh, and some are way overdone

Have you ever been watching a new show or movie and you give a beastly eye roll as if to say, “Not this again!”
Well, you may have just witnessed one of these highly overused tropes. The poor things didn’t begin as cliches. It’s not their fault. It’s those lazy storytellers who are to blame! They reached back into the trope bag one too many times and elicited the eye roll in question. Now it’s up to you to keep watching, or to move on to some more original stories.
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Why do grown-ass people use 14 year olds as “cool barometers”?

A man?! In a dress?! No way!


Um, cool... thanks, man.

Haunting Paranormal Encounters


'Die Hard'

When the decision affects her residual checks, you know she means business.


Mind-Bending Plots

Whitewashing History

Free Pizza
