Science & History

5 Uprisings Cut from U.S. History for Being Too Successful
Overthrowing a government takes an enormous amount of planning, strategy, and resources. Or, you know, just a gigantic set of balls.
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- By Zachary Frey
- Published
5 Important Things From History That No One Can Explain
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- By Evan Accardi, Alex Marie
- Published
22 Facts That Shatter Your Image of American Presidents
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- By AM Smiley
- Published
5 Famous People With Crazy Second Lives Nobody Knows About
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- By Cedric Voets
- Published
7 Creepy Physical Changes Your Mind Can Make in Your Body
The placebo effect has to be one of the all-time most baffling scientific phenomena we've run across.
- Authors
- By Davian Venture
- Published
19 Badass Tricks You Can Do With Ordinary Stuff
Science is great and all for discoveries and stuff. But it's really great for doing awesomely dangerous experiments.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
The 5 Most Incredible Pranks Pulled With Major Landmarks
These stunts range from merely dickish to grossly illegal, and each is still admirable in its own way.
- Authors
- By Natso Baatarkhuu, Justin Crockett, Ivan Farkas
- Published
5 Modern Things in Historical Images That Shouldn't Exist
Modern society invented everything great, and the rest of history is just a bunch of chumps squatting in holes. The thing is, some of that seemingly recent stuff has been around a lot longer than you'd figure.
- Authors
- By Patricia Loupee, Carmen Burana
- Published
6 Tiny Mistakes That Shaped Huge Parts of Modern History
The shaping of history is a lot less Illuminati and a lot more the 3 Stooges.
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- By Alexander Pan
- Published
5 Historical Figures More Terrifying Than Any Horror Villain
Jason Vorhees would run away screaming at the sight of any of these real-life monsters.
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- By Janel Comeau
- Published
23 Insane Surgeries You Won't Believe Actually Happened
They don't teach the cure for human stupidity in medical school.
- Authors
- By AM Smiley
- Published
19 Epic Partying Feats By Famous People
It's no secret that the rich and famous party their nuts off. But there's 'party your nuts off' and then there's 'party your nuts off, pick them up, then do some rad tricks with them.'
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Huge Scientific Advances Created by Even Bigger Dick Moves
You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs, there are a few pioneers of medical research that arguably smashed entire cartons more than necessary to arrive at their world-changing breakthroughs.
- Authors
- By Josh Brown
- Published
5 Famous Historical Figures You Didn't Know Were Perverts
We get so tied up in slut-shaming contemporary celebrities that it's easy to forget how some of history's greatest minds spent most their energy having the nastiest sex they could get their hands on.
- Authors
- By Luke John Smith
- Published
6 Nightmarish Things People Did for Fun Before Electricity
The fun always stops when the lights come on and history proves it.
- Authors
- By Dimitra Nikolaou
- Published