Science & History
11 Old War Photos You Won't Believe Aren't Fake (Part 2)
War is a wacky, bizarre kind of hell.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono
- Published
6 Legendary Lost Treasures That Are Still Up for Grabs
- Authors
- By Alex Sinclair Lack
- Published
6 Creepy Brainwashing Techniques You Can Use Today
- Authors
- By Paul K Pickett, Lesia Pickett
- Published
7 Insane Landforms You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped
- Authors
- By George Kemper
- Published
6 Mysterious Deaths That'll Make You Believe in Conspiracies
Disclaimer for any government officials, mobsters, or assassins in general reading this: We don't really believe that any of the following conspiracy theories about mysterious deaths are true.
- Authors
- By Jaspar G.
- Published
20 Things Everyone Pictures Incorrectly (Side by Side)
Thanks to Hollywood, we like to think we have a pretty good idea about what the past looked like. But it turns out, no of course we don't because Hollywood is as dumb as we are.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Terrible Secrets Big Drug Companies Don't Want You to Know
It turns out drug companies' evil usually involves less illegal genetic experiments and more down-to-earth jerk moves.
- Authors
- By Andrew Munro
- Published
The 6 Most Ridiculous Lies Ever Published as Nonfiction
The next time you read a biography filled with unusually inspiring, heartbreaking, or just plain awesome stories, keep in mind that there's a solid chance it's all complete and utter B.S.
- Authors
- By Vann Vicente
- Published
6 Dinosaurs We Just Found Out Had X-Men Powers
We're learning that dinosaurs may have been way cooler than we ever thought possible.
- Authors
- By Teddem Yee
- Published
5 Geniuses Whose Careers Peaked at a Shockingly Young Age
Young people can and constantly come up with plenty of awesome ideas, even when they operate in fields that are seemingly impossible to conquer until you've sprouted several gray hairs.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Matthew Moffitt
- Published
69 Awesome Brain Hacks That Give You Mind-Blowing Powers
We don't know much about computer hacking here at Cracked, because that stuff involves numbers, but we've come across a whole bunch of different crazy brain and body hacks over the years.
- Authors
- By Cracked Writers
- Published