Science & History

5 Ridiculously Badass Protests Against Oppressive Regimes
When these people fought back against their respective regimes, they did it with style.
- Authors
- By Pat Carnell, A.C. Grimes
- Published
5 Mind-Blowing Things Found Hiding in Our Own Solar System
- Authors
- By Ivan Farkas
- Published
The 5 Most Blatantly Corrupt Lawyers in History
- Authors
- By Rob Nietupski
- Published
The 6 Stealthiest Disguises in the Animal Kingdom
- Authors
- By Monte Richard, E. Reid Ross, Carly Brooke
- Published
5 Insanely Blatant Acts of Plagiarism by Famous People
Ideas are hard, you guys. (At least when you insist on actually coming up with your own.)
- Authors
- By A.C. Grimes
- Published
5 Cultures Whose Calendars Would Break Your Concept of Time
Let's sit back and appreciate the fact that we don't have to experience the utter chaos that are these calendars.
- Authors
- By Teddem Yee
- Published
5 Terrifying Ways Being in Love Chemically Impairs You
Love does things to a person. And science has weighed in on the subject to let us know that love triggers all sorts of weird chemical and physical changes inside our brains and bodies.
- Authors
- By Irene IR
- Published
5 Attempts at Espionage That Seem Too Dumb to Be Real
All too often, agents are subject to the same human failings as the rest of us, except in their case, the blunders result in international incidents more embarrassing than your high school yearbook.
- Authors
- By Alex Hanton, Evan V. Symon
- Published
13 Old-Timey Photos You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped 3
Photos of the past, when viewed out of context, are bizarre and/or terrifying. And in many cases, adding the context just makes them worse.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia
- Published
21 Biblical Weather Events IRL
Whether it's God, Mother Nature, or an underground gnome with a weather machine, someone is clearly dicking around with us.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Innocent Phrases With Surprisingly Dark Origins
Language often takes some pretty bizarre turns on the way to its modern usage. And sometimes a seemingly innocent phrase is the result of one supremely messed-up past.
- Authors
- By Brenna Crotty
- Published
5 Presidents Who Were Total Badasses in Their Youth
As it turns out, many presidents spent their younger years going on Hollywood-worthy adventures through history, doling out Old West-style justice and opening casino bars in the South Pacific.
- Authors
- By Gavin Jamieson
- Published
7 Adorable Animals That Spawn Terrifying Babies
If it wasn't for pictures and videos of cute baby animals, the Internet as we know it would probably cease to exist. But we feel that such widespread dissemination of cuteness may be giving you the wrong idea of what's actually out there.
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross
- Published
26 Predictions About The Future (That Were Really Inaccurate)
Crystal balls? More like Schweddy Balls.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Real Planets Way Weirder Than Anything in Science Fiction
It turns out that the only 'theme' a real planet can have is unbridled, awestruck terror.
- Authors
- By Andrew Heaton
- Published