Science & History
5 Insignificant Things That Determine if Someone Likes You
The good news is that there are some unexpected shortcuts that can make a person popular. The bad news is that they're just as stupid and arbitrary as the ones you already knew.
- Authors
- By XJ Selman
- Published
5 Eerily Sophisticated Ways Animals Communicate
- Authors
- By Monte Richard
- Published
5 Crazy Ways the Colors Red and Blue Control Your Life
- Authors
- By Monte Richard
- Published
6 Terrifying Experiments Parents Did on Their Own Kids
- Authors
- By C. Coville
- Published
The 5 Most Terrifying Diseases That Doctors Can't Explain
When we visit the hospital, we know that someone is going to be able to tell us what's wrong with us and how to fix it. But then, there are some particularly unusual diseases out there that have medical professionals throwing up their arms and claiming witchcraft
- Authors
- By Elorm Kojo Ntumy, Welldone Quibranza
- Published
15 Mind-Blowing Old-Timey Photos You Won't Believe Are Real
People of the past are daring us to make sense of them, and once again, we've risen boldly to the challenge.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia
- Published
5 Terrifying Animals That Could Save Your Life Someday
It's important to stop every once in a while and remind ourselves that the creatures in nature's nightmarish cavalcade of horrors are saving our lives every day.
- Authors
- By Lachlan M.
- Published
5 Ways Your Brain Tricks You into Sticking With Bad Habits
Bad habits can ruin your life. And it turns out your brain is perfectly fine with that.
- Authors
- By Dennis Hong
- Published
7 Things You Won't Believe Science Says Make You Happy
Apparently, there are some seemingly random activities that are more like cheat codes to happiness.
- Authors
- By XJ Selman
- Published
5 Illegal Drugs With Surprisingly Wholesome Medical Uses
Much like Darth Vader, some drugs aren't completely evil, or even as bad as they seem.
- Authors
- By Rory Hayes
- Published
The 6 Real and Terrifying Spider Superpowers
Spiders are more like Spider-Man than we think. Though they have yet to master the make-out session, they have racked up some other pretty crazy abilities.
- Authors
- By Monte Richard
- Published
5 Random Factors That Determine Whether You Succeed in Life
You've stayed in school, stayed off drugs and made the right friends. Dollar bills should be raining down on you like a ticker tape parade, right? Not if you've got these completely arbitrary factors working against you.
- Authors
- By Ann Z.
- Published
The 6 Most Mind-Blowing Animal Senses
Every now and then, an animal's sensory superiority goes above and beyond the usual and takes a turn for the bizarre and/or terrifying.
- Authors
- By Monte Richard
- Published
11 Images of Nature You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped
One thing we've discovered over and over again is that nature is always weirder than what we give it credit for.
- Authors
- By Mike Cooney, Alex Brettingen
- Published
6 Tiny Things Doctors Do That Can Save (Or End) Your Life
It turns out the world is full of zero-cost solutions that save lives. It's just a matter of convincing people to use them.
- Authors
- By Erik Carrera, Lillian Marx
- Published