Movies & TV
6 Studies That Prove Reality TV Is Causing the Apocalypse
Lots of people joke about reality TV being the end of civilization, and many of them are us, but we weren't really worried. Until we found out what smart people like scientists were saying.
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- By Luke McKinney
- Published
6 Insane Versions of Famous Cartoons They Almost Made
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- By Anthony Scibelli
- Published
6 Movie Guardians Who Shouldn't Be Allowed Near Children
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- By David Christopher Bell
- Published
6 Classic Series You Didn't Know Were Made Up On The Fly
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- By Maxwell Yezpitelok
- Published
7 Movies That Ignored World Changing Discoveries
Writing movies is hard -- we try to point that out in every article like this. And occasionally, the writer will write his characters into a corner, where they can be rescued only by some new science, device or technology. Once they're out of the jam, the tech is usually immediately forgotten. The problem is, sometimes the device itself should have
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- By Rohan Ramakrishnan
- Published
20 Funny Movies That Take a Minute (Total) To Watch: Part 4
5 Second films should be nominated for tiny Oscars.
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- By Brian Firenzi
- Published
Oscar Nominee Venn Diagram: Weirdly Specific Similarities
this year the Academy seemed to go for movies about a few bizarrely specific topics ...
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- By The Furlinator
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6 Awards That Would Actually Make The Oscars Worth Watching
Apparently, some of the greatest moments ever captured on film haven't gotten so much as a validated parking ticket from the Academy.
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- By Jacopo della Quercia
- Published
5 Hollywood Secrets That Explain Why So Many Movies Suck
You can write off everything Hollywood does as greed and poor tate, but there are other factors that make Hollywood the soulless blockbuster machine that it is. Some of which you'd never suspect.
- Authors
- By C. Coville, Maxwell Yezpitelok, M. Asher Cantrell
- Published
6 Giant Blind Spots In Every Movie Alien's Invasion Strategy
With a few alien-invasion movies on the horizon, this is a good time to ask ourselves why exactly the alien invasions we see on the silver screen always seem to end in disaster for the invaders, despite their ridiculously advanced technology.
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- By S Peter Davis
- Published
6 Artists You Didn't Know Made Your Favorite Movie Moments
The point when everybody gets bored during the Academy Awards is when they give out all of those technical awards to people you've never heard of. Surprisingly, though, you're fans of some of these people. Hug fans, in some cases. You just didn't know it.
- Authors
- By David Christopher Bell
- Published
7 Lessons About Communication Technology Learned from Movies
Movie and television cliches have been unable to keep up with the rapid advances in communication technology.
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- By Conrad Schickedanz, CRACKED Staff
- Published
5 Insane Early Drafts of Famous Movie Characters
It's easy to think of pop culture icons as having just walked onto the scene fully formed. But some of the early versions of these characters weren't just different, but were utterly freaking insane.
- Authors
- By Cezary Jan Strusiewicz
- Published
Green Lantern vs. Green Hornet: Telling Them Apart [CHART]
So far, 2011 has been a very good year for things with the first name Green, and a somewhat confusing year for the rest of us.
- Authors
- By metallicfire
- Published
6 Plot Threads Famous Movies Forgot to Resolve
Writing a movie is hard work, and when all is said and done, there are always going to be a few small subplots that get ignored in the third act. But sometimes a filmmaker forgets an important plot thread. And by that, we mean something way more important than the main plot.
- Authors
- By Joe Oliveto, Nick Slawicz
- Published