Two-For-One Disappointing Robot Monday: The Daily Nooner (EST)!

Two-For-One Disappointing Robot Monday: The Daily Nooner (EST)!
What's With All These Stupid Robots?! I might not know anything about building robots, but based on these two clips, it seems like the people who actually build them don't either. In the first video we've got some sort of mobile garbage can that can walk around like a crab, roll dice, and bang on its own head while repeating the same Japanese phrase over and over and over again. Which would be pretty convenient if you wanted to start a gambling operation for quadriplegics in your house or something, but we all know that quadriplegics don't gamble much, and even if they did, what makes you think they'd want to do it in your house and not in a regular casino? Also, what if they don't understand Japanese? That's like inventing a robot to help gay Eskimos come out to their parents, or to teach Latvian orphans how to panhandle; it's a great idea, but what are the rest of us supposed to do with it? Then we've got the second one, which serves such little purpose that it pretty much has to be an art project of some kind. A pair of dismembered robot legs that periodically shoots fire while aimlessly pushing around a shopping cart? I'll admit that's kind of awesome, but again, what are we supposed to do with it? Should we look at it and think about the artist's statement on mindless consumerism? Sorry, robot maker: Dawn of the Dead
did it better. Is it supposed to make us think about the homeless problem? I'm looking at it right now, but the only problem I'm thinking about is how bad these robots suck. I've been banging this drum for a while now, but maybe if I keep at it I can get the robot-making community to listen. If I were them, I know I'd definitely want to take advice from a Cracked blogger with absolutely zero knowledge of engineering. Is an enormous mechanized iron monstrosity with flesh-searing lasers and projectile weapons so much to ask for? Actually, screw it - pretty much ANYTHING with flesh-searing lasers would do. If you're reading this, guys who made these two robots, just add flesh-searing lasers and we'll be good to go. See - I'm willing to compromise, robot-making community. Now it's your turn.
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