This Streaming Subscription Is All Games, No Waiting

This piece was written by the people who run the Cracked Store to tell you about products that are being sold there.
The capabilities of video games seem to grow with each passing second. For example, by the time this article is published, graphics should be so good that you'll be able to see the sweat glistening in Mario's plumber's crack. However, if there's one thing that sucks about modern video games, it's the installation time. We miss the days when you could just slap a cartridge into your favorite system and begin playing immediately. Now you have to wait for a lengthy install before you can start cracking heads on the moon with your fellow space marines -- or managing a restaurant with your fellow space marines.
Well, now the days of waiting an eternity for your games to install are over!
Just grab a subscription to Utomik and start playing hundreds of PC games with virtually no installation time. Utomik has a library of nearly a thousand titles both classic and current, including Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, Borderlands, Dead Island: Riptide, Saints Row IV, and Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic. (And for the record, that's the best Star Wars game ever made. Comment below, haters.) The games download in small batches as you play, so you never have to wait longer than a click to jump in. Right now you can get a three-month subscription to Utomik for yourself and up to three family members for $24.99, 16 percent off the regular price.
Not a gamer? Not a problem. Check out the StreamJack TV SmartDNS: Lifetime Plan or the SelectTV By FreeCast: 1-Year Subscription and get your binge on.
Or take matters into your own hands and Build Your Own Video Games With This Crazy Cheap Bundle.