These 7 Gifts Will Have Your Friends Over The Moon

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If you're looking for the perfect gift to get for your space-obsessed friend (or your space-obsessed self), we've got you covered with these great deals on space-related gear. Now go out there and get your space-freak on.
Levimoon: The World's First Levitating Moon Light
The Levimoon is a majestic moon replica lamp that fits neatly on any desk or end table. But what makes this thing truly awe-inspiring is that it actually levitates above its base, using what we can only surmise is moon magic. It emits a soft light that's perfect for mood lighting or working as a night light, and you can switch between cold white and warm yellow options, depending on how you're feeling about the moon at that particular moment. Levimoon normally costs $289, but if you click here, you can get one at 30 percent off for $199.99.
Apollo 11 NASA Transcript Moon Landing Poster
The only thing space fanatics love more than space is letting everyone know how much they love space, and what better way to do that than with a poster of the official NASA transcript of the Apollo 11 moon landing? This 24" x 36" poster contains the full transcript of the landing printed on matte photo paper with the important line highlighted (you know the one) so you can look right at it while watching First Man on Amazon. Click here right now to get this awesome space history poster for $29.95.
Star Wars Propel Drone: Collector's Edition
Fight for the Rebel Alliance or the Galactic Empire with these awesome Star Wars drones, available in X-Wing, TIE Fighter, and Speeder Bike versions. Each drone can reach speeds of up to 35 mph while engaging in 30 different training missions or dogfighting your friends' drones using the companion app. It's the most socially acceptable way to play with your Star Wars toys. Normally a Star Wars Propel Drone costs $149.95, but you can click here to get one at 66 percent off for $49.99.
AstroReality Mars Classic And AR Notebook Bundle
If you or your friends are on the waiting list to colonize Mars, you should bone up on the red planet before your number gets drawn. And there's no better way to do that than with the AstroReality Mars Classic and AR Notebook Bundle. The bundle contains a highly detailed 3D printed replica of Mars, plus an AR-integrated notebook allowing you to use the companion app to explore Mars from every possible angle. Then you can record the observations you collect on your virtual tour of Mars on the notebook's blank pages. The AstroReality Mars AR bundle normally costs $88.99, but if you click here right now, you can get it at 22 percent off for $69.
Strellas Personalized Star Maps Ready-To-Print File
Strellas Personalized Star Maps allow you to commemorate an important occasion with an exact map of the stars as they appeared above on that day, whether you're getting one for yourself to celebrate the day you beat Tekken 3 or gifting one to a friend to mark the day they got married (both are equally important). The customization options allow you to select a date, time, and location, and print your map to virtually anything, including paper, canvas, wood, and shirts. Normally a four-pack of digital files of your personalized map would cost $29, but if you click here, you can get it at 31 percent off for just $20.
AstroReality Pluto Classic AR Model
Pluto may have been demoted from the starting lineup of planets in the Solar System, but it still deserves your respectful wonderment. That's why the AstroReality Pluto Classic AR Model belongs in the stocking of every budding astrophysicist. This 3D-printed model is precisely and accurately detailed (see if you can spot any Plutonians), and features AR compatibility that allows you to explore the former planet's surface with the companion app from over 4 billion miles away. The AstroReality Pluto AR model normally costs $69, but you can click here to get one at 13 percent off for $59.99.
Force Flyers DIY Building Block Drone
No matter what the age, everyone loves Legos. But we all love them a little bit harder when they incorporate flight mechanics. Enter the Force Flyers DIY Building Block Drones. These drone kits let you build and customize your own unique drone using Legos, and then trick you into learning STEM concepts like aerodynamics and weight distribution to make your creations fly. Plus, the drone has a control range of up to 240 feet, and can fly for as long as 12 minutes on a single charge. You can even pull off impressive 360-degree flips to show all those birds who is really in charge. Normally the Force Flyers drone sells for $49.99, but if you click here right now you can get one at 14 percent off for just $42.99.
Remember, kids. You don't have to be a Space Cowboy to know the Moon Is A Lie.
Hey. Hey, you. You're Gonna Crush Secret Santa With These 10 Home Deals.