Getting Pulled Over
When you see the familiar lights of a police car flashing in your rear view mirror, your immediate instinct is going to be speed up and try to lose him. Resist this urge. (Unless, of course, you're pretty sure you can beat him.) Instead, pull over to the side of the road slowly. Traditionally, cops like to make you wait when they pull you over. According to a recent scientific study, it's because they're assholes. While they're sitting in their car, making you wait, take the time to inspect the inside of your car. Is your seat belt on tight? Tighten it up! Is your radio on? Turn the volume down and switch it to a soothing, non-incriminating station. Do you have any provocative photographs of the police officer's wife proudly displayed on your dashboard? Discreetly place them in your glove compartment, or down the front of your pants. Once all of these "Trouble Spots" are taken care of, you're ready to face the officer.
Choose your words carefully. How you speak to a cop is extremely important. You don't want to sound aggressive, or angry, because anything that a cop interprets as "hostile" can be grounds for any number of charges he can add on. Cops love
Wrong: "You better have a good fucking reason for pulling me over, you shit eating bastard." (Frowning, you extend your middle finger.
Did you see what was good about the "Right" scenario? By asking the officer what kind of bastard he is, you show that you're taking an active interest in his life, (he will appreciate this). Further, when you let him decide what kind of bastard he is, you avoid making any potentially inaccurate assumptions. Because you know what happens when you assume, right? You get your "ass" maced. Also, your eyes. Additionally, notice how in the "Right" scenario, the driver smiles. Nothing brightens up someone's day like a smile, even when garnished with a furious middle finger. Here are some more examples of a few language traps you will undoubtedly run into when you get pulled over.
When Discussing Your Plans:
Wrong: "Can we move this along, Officer? I have to pick up your sister in time for the underage rape party." Right: "Take your time, Officer. I have nothing but respect for the law; You sister and the underage rape party can wait."When Handing Over Your Information:
Wrong: "It doesn't say it on my license, but my middle name is 'Cop-fucker' and, if I thought your mouth was big enough, I'd shove the ole' wiener right in there without hesitation. WESTSIIIIIIIIIDE!" Right:When Saying Goodbye:
Wrong: "Thanks for the ticket, asshole, your mother would be real proud if she wasn't already dead and I wasn't about to have sex with her corpse." Right: "Thank you for the ticket, Officer, I understand that you're just doing your job. I'll tell your mother's corpse all about you while we fornicate later tonight, and again on your birthday."If a cop asks you to step out of your car, it's because he suspects that you have something illegal inside and, let's face it, you do. Please be aware that you do not have to let any police officer search your car. When asked to step out of your car, you can politely say "I am not giving you consent to search my car," as demonstrated in Ridelust's video, or you can say "I ain't steppin' outta shit, all my paper's legit," as demonstrated in the Jay-Z hit "99 Problems." (These are the only two choices.) Your goal is to make sure he doesn't, under any circumstances, search your car and discover whatever drugs/alcohol/small migrant family you've been smuggling. If he presses the issue and threatens you with jail time or openly wonders how "smart" you'll be once the canines come, try to turn the tables. Ask to search his
A classic mistake that a lot of novices make is that they'll try to distract a cop by waving frantically or setting off a few fireworks. The problem is that cops don't understand bright lights, and the spectacle as well as the sound of fireworks makes them nervous, and confused. Also, they hate it when you wave. In either scenario, a cop will have no choice but to react aggressively which may result in serious damage to your car.
Never make a cop nervous.
"What's That Smell?"
I don't think I'm telling you something you don't already know when I say that cops have an acute sense of smell. What you may not know is that if one cop catches the scent of another dominant cop on you, he will immediately stop hassling you. (Cops are extremely territorial.)
Always in my trunk.
Famous Cop Myths Debunked!
Cops Have a "Ticket Quota" That Must Be Filled Each Month: FALSE. A cop's thirst for giving tickets is insatiable and therefore requires no outside motivation. Cops Pull Over Red Cars More Often Than Cars of Any Other Color: FALSE
*True story. Two cops snuck up on me and claimed to be looking for someone who looked like me. I agreed that I did look like me, but I wasn't who they were looking for. They apologized and told me to call the police if I saw anyone who looked like me, (but who wasn't also me).