Falling Turtles, Fart Deodorizers and Vending Machine Disguises: The Daily Nooner!
Failed Gadget Roundup The wheel. The lightbulb. Big Mouth Billy Bass. For centuries, man has felt the need to create. Sometimes man's inventions have inspired awe, fear, wonderment. Other times, the impact has been... well... slightly less impressive. This week on the Cracked Blog, we'll be celebrating the latter: brilliant gadgets that never quite managed to catch on. Not yet, at least. "Brilliant" Gadget #5: The Flatulence Deodorizer
Wild Card Where'd She Go?! If you're a female in Japan being pursued by a would-be attacker, what do you do? Scream as loud as you can? Run into a pachinko parlor, maybe? Thanks to the fashion industry, you now have a third option: Disguise yourself as a vending machine. A fashion designer in Tokyo has come up with a dress that unfolds into a giant sheet with an actual-size photo of a vending machine on it. Despite the fact that crime rates in Japan are actually declining, the vending machine dress is just one of several ridiculous solutions to dealing with the criminal element:
"Take the “manhole bag,” a purse that can hide valuables by unfolding to look like a sewer cover. Lay it on the street with your wallet inside, and unwitting thieves are supposed to walk right by."I've never been to Japan, but apparently it's like living in a Road Runner cartoon.