Even Master Chiefs Have Moms: The Daily Nooner (EST)!

Even Master Chiefs Have Moms: The Daily Nooner (EST)!
Awesome Video Of The Day Homemade Halo Suit I know what you're thinking. You're watching this video1 of this kid in his homemade Halo suit, and you're thinking to yourself, "Wow - what a total badass." I would agree with you, but having made more than my share of homemade Halo suit videos in my day, my trained eye sees all the telltale signs of an amateur here. I can relate, though: in my first homemade Halo suit video, I was wearing a tinfoil shirt and a pair Levi's. I knew it kind of sucked, but I thought maybe the fog machine and strobe light would still make it look cool. No dice. Anyway, the cardinal rule of making a Halo suit video: always make sure your mom is out of the shot. I know how it goes when mom's cooking dinner and the lighting looks best right near the kitchen, but you know what? It's called "self-control." Wait until she's done cooking you dinner and THEN make the video. Think about it like this: What would Master Chief do?2
I'll tell you what he'd do: he'd crouch in the corner, reload and wait for a more opportune moment to flex in his new homemade cardboard armor. Are you Master Chief material? Yeah? Better start acting like it, then. I know that might sound needlessly harsh considering he's just a kid or whatever, but I'm not apologizing - that "kid" got like 30 headshots off me last night. 1 Not to be confused with this video, or this video, or anything associated with this website. 2 WWMCD?
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