The 5 Most Horrifying Attempts to Teach Sex Ed to Children

If you're a regular reader of my column, you have a time machine and that is wicked. The rest of you should know that I am all about keepin' it real. For instance, I will now give you a troubling look at a conversation taking place somewhere right now between two youths: Timmy: This enchanted hay ride has been fun! Want to engage in carnal relations before I take you home by 9 PM? Suzy: Yes, Timmy, that sounds like a fine idea. (After several minutes of eager coitus on a bail of hay) Timmy: Wow, that was spot on! Suzy: Sure was, Timmy. Say, there's something you should know. Timmy: What's that, Suzy? Was I your first? Suzy: Oh, that's cute. No. I am contaminated with crotch pox and you may have it now as well. Timmy: Crotch pox? Oh boy! I wish I'd practiced safe sex, or even knew what that phrase meant. END SCENE
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"Argh! Foiled again!" – Crotch Pox
Statistics show that the Internet is all abustle with reckless thrusting penii, flying about all holus bolus and penii isn't even a word. How can you protect yourself? Science would tell you to get a panic room and wear a few pairs of slacks all the time. Failing that, here are some approaches others have taken that I feel might tickle your fancy. But remember, only have your fancy tickled after taking the proper precautions.Taste the Rainbow
I'm learning and freshening my breath!
A more honest reply would have been, "It doesn't affect my parole if you don't taste this condom, but I'd still like a photo of it on my cell phone" but we can't change history, we can only learn from it. The state heath department looked into the situation after the mother of the girl complained and determined the mother and the girl were just being uptight. Turns out the government in New Mexico is totally on board with this methodology, claiming the method helps destigmatize condoms for the students. You know that stigma condoms have about maybe not tasting like pina colada? Yeah, totally removes that. DIY Version: If your undercarriage-related urges are becoming too strong for you to resist and you don't have access to a state employee who will feed you prophylactics, try filling a party balloon with jam and chewing on it for a while. You'll get that lust in check and be one step closer to a GED.Don't be Shame, Be Game
Soon to be a feature film starring Wesley Snipes.
Standing proud like a Down Under, Gay Pride Flash, a vaguely disinterested sneer on his face, one hand clenched into a fist and a far away look in his eyes that seems to say, "the Great Lakes Avengers would be a better gig than this," Condoman wants you to not be ashamed of taking a box of condoms from a spandex-clad man on a beach. That shit's perfectly normal. Condoman was so beloved back in 1991, they had to resurrect him in 2009 with this updated campaign in which he hurls condoms like ninja stars at his unsuspecting victims, daring you to feel shame lest he pummel you with another latex barrage.I kick ass at ring toss.
DIY Version: If you can't get to Australia and you're feeling more shame than game, bolster your confidence and sense of manliness by eating chicken wings, drinking beer and shooting chainsaws at Nazis while wearing a condom or two. That used to be the final test for becoming a Marine back in the day.In Your Face
Gather ‘round everyone, it's the miracle of life!
The video was on YouTube for less than a day before they realized that the online audience doesn't want to see shaky cam footage of a head crowning from the vagina of a teenage girl.What people want to see on YouTube is far more disturbing.
The approach is like Scared Straight programs from the 80s, extended to the genital region: Scared Flaccid. DIY Version: This one's pretty easy, you just need a boy hamster, a girl hamster and some patience. Maybe a bit of therapy, too.Pregnancy Dolls
The ice is going to break!
Yes, this is the one doll that seeks to educate your child about the mystery of birth through the use of some kind of woven pubic hair halo and what appears to be the voodoo doll head of Christopher Walken circa the Dead Zone era bursting from knit loins. Complete with metal interlocking mouth/nipple combinations, these dolls are sure to teach a curious child everything they need to know about birthing and anatomy, providing they were raised in a Japanese cyberpunk horror movie. If only there were some way to fit in knit rectum tentacles, they would have really captured some sort of zeitgeist there. Because the dolls are helping create well-rounded kids, there's also a daddy doll with junk that looks kind of like a tiny ET with a Conan O'Brien wig on, which is equal parts awesome and terrifying in its own right.Everything here makes me uncomfortable
DIY Version: Buy a pack of cheap tube socks at Wal-Mart, some googly eyes and a good quantity of pube-shade yarn and you're halfway there.The Sex Squad
Whatever you do, don't give him an Indian burn.
I like to think if sex ed had always involved a Mexican wrestler with dicks for arms, the world would have been a different place. Like say you're out on a date, and you just watched something like Dear JohnThis was lifted wholesale from the original story behind Pitfall.
DIY Version: Your best bet for recreating this at home requires the use of an old Halloween superhero costume, some sex ed trivia cue cards and, you know, a Mexican wrestler who's willing to masturbate in the same room with you. Get familiar with Ian's extensive archive of Cracked feature articles.