New Clues to Who Started the Kim Kardashian Boos at the Tom Brady Roast

Did you suspect Taylor Swift? Think again!
New Clues to Who Started the Kim Kardashian Boos at the Tom Brady Roast

It’s the mystery no one knew needed solving! 

Nikki Glaser, who continues to find ways to keep the Tom Brady roast afterglow burning, took to the Not Skinny But Not Fat podcast to shed light on who started the booing of Kim Kardashian that fateful night. We’re getting closer to unmasking the culprit, but it’s not who Glaser first suspected. (Insert murder podcast music sting here.)

A quick recap: When Kardashian stood for her chance to make fun of Brady’s deflated balls, the crowd greeted her with boos, a chilly reception that most of the evening’s roasters avoided. “You know what,” Glaser told host Amanda Hirsch. “It made me really upset. And I thought it was Swiftie-meditated. And I was, as a Swiftie, disappointed.”

Kardashian and Taylor Swift have beef from way back, bad blood that began boiling again with the recent release of Swift’s anti-bullying song “thanK you aIMee.” (The capital letters spell KIM — get it?) Swifties are slow to forgive and forget, hence Glaser’s theory that Taylor’s fans were behind the boos.

But recent developments have changed the comic’s tune. “This is insider info,” Glaser confided, inviting Entertainment Tonight to pick up the hot nugget. “I ran into someone at the Comedy Store the next night and they were with some wild guy who’s a comedian, just some open mic-er guy who has a reputation for starting shit and being a roast comic-type guy. Apparently, he started the boos as a joke. He probably had too many drinks. And he’s not affiliated with Swifties.”

Glaser, of course, is the one who kept the whole Kardashian bashing in the public eye when she revealed on another podcast that Kardashian referred to some aspect of the evening as “abuse.” Now Glaser regrets opening her big mouth. 

“They’re saying Kim Kardashian DMs Nikki Glaser, she doesn’t understand the roast. It’s abuse. So it sounds like she’s talking about what they may have done when she got booed. She wasn’t talking about that,” the comic clarified. “She was just talking about showing respect to people up on the stage who are much more inclined to get jokes said about them.”

She’s not wrong, Glaser explained. “Yes, obviously we’re asking for it. She didn’t say that we didn’t deserve it. She was just saying it’s abuse. It literally is someone saying the worst things about you to your face. It’s not nice. It doesn’t make you feel good.”

No one misinterprets Kardashian’s private message, of course, if Glaser doesn’t read it to the world. “It was a nice conversation between two people that was all about love and respect and it’s being twisted,” she told Hirsch. “I learned my lesson. I’m sorry Kim, I’ll never ever read anything (aloud). Literally, if you’re just like ‘Cool shirt,’ I’ll never ever read a private DM from someone.” 

Did Glaser apologize to Kardashian? “No, I’m scared now, to be honest with you,” she admitted. “I’m just hoping this gets picked up.” 

Cracked is here to oblige, Nikki! 

Kardashian won’t notice either way, Hirsch says. Despite the online abuse directed her way, “she’s living her life. She doesn’t care. It doesn’t tickle her schnitzel.”


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