Amy Schumer’s Sleazy School Teacher Sketch Is First ‘SNL’ Video With 100 Million Views

An SNL sketch has passed the 100-million-view mark on YouTube and Amy Schumer is proud to say that she was part of it.
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The sketch in question? That's “Porn Teacher,” a bit from Schumer’s hosting appearance in 2015. She stars alongside Kyle Mooney and Aidy Bryant, and we’re guessing Schumer is correct in suggesting that the word “porn” in the title might have goosed those view totals.
Sure, it’s a fun sketch. The Guardian selected “Porn Teacher” as one of that night’s highlights, “a porn parody (that) slowly unfolded into something much weirder and funnier.” Salon noted that “while the premise itself is kind of low-hanging fruit, Schumer does a great job of parodying cheesy porno tropes.” But “Porn Teacher” is not one of the first sketches fans might think of when it comes to SNL viral hits, a fact that generated a lot of discussion on r/LiveFromNewYork, the subreddit devoted to all things Saturday Night Live.
“I looked up the ones I thought would be #1 (Dick in a Box, Lazy Sunday) and they're nowhere close,” wrote @afriendincanada. “Stunned.”
“Even More Cowbell is only 24 million,” chimed in @PranceswithWools. “Insanity.”
@ffshd shed some light on the relatively low numbers. “Lazy Sunday definitely has over 100million views. They’ve taken down the original and re-uploaded multiple times,” they wrote. “NBC/SNL has adjusted their YouTube strategy over the years.” And that’s true — NBC has a long history of ping-ponging its SNL clips from one home to another, pulling the official videos from YouTube over the years in favor of a dedicated SNL app, a library on Yahoo, and short-lived exclusive stints on Hulu,, Seeso, and Netflix. That helps explain lower numbers for older videos that would seem more popular than “Porn Teacher.”
Other sticklers point out that Lonely Island also posts its Digital Shorts, nine of which have passed the 100 million mark over on their channel. Like “Porn Teacher,” Lonely Island videos that have a sexual component — “I Just Had Sex (featuring Akon),” “Jizz in My Pants,” and “Motherlover” — dominate the group’s most popular uploads. Those numbers don’t count, however, as official SNL videos.
Give “Porn Teacher” some credit, argues @BannedINDC. “it's also just a really funny sketch. Not only a pitch perfect send up of bad acting in porn but also a great bit from Aidy. ‘I wasn't all the way gone yet’"
But @FantasticAnalysis163 agrees with Schumer on the ultimate reason for the video’s success: “I bet the word ‘porn’ is doing a lot of the heavy lifting here.”