22 of the Funniest TikToks From the Week of September 4, 2023

Mom’s getting canceled
22 of the Funniest TikToks From the Week of September 4, 2023

AMC is really good at letting its customers do the legwork of promoting its theaters. We all know about the Nicole Kidman ad waxing poetic about the magic of cinema, but now a new contender has entered the ring: AMC A-List. Over on TikTok, stand-up comedian Alice Brenner riffed on how little the theater chain must spend on marketing — because its members do it organically for the company. 

You’ve probably heard the spiel before: The subscription pays for itself in just two movies! And you’re going to hear it again and again because it’s the main talking point everyone’s latched on to. Maybe this is the magic Kidman was talking about. 

As for the rest of TikTok this week, we’ve also got the world’s chillest priest, a guy who didn’t really ghost and that one friend that’s never had a pet. 

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