27 Pieces of Dark Humor That Will Have You Laughing All the Way to Hell

You probably shouldn’t tell these jokes at the dinner table, unless it’s a party of one
27 Pieces of Dark Humor That Will Have You Laughing All the Way to Hell

Dark humor is like black licorice or bucket hats — an acquired taste and definitely not for everybody. Even when this type of gallows humor hits, there’s always a heightened risk of offending someone by making light of something seemingly off-limits. That’s what makes it dark, transgressive, and with the right audience, very funny. 

When @Matema took to Twitter recently to ask how dark people’s humor really can get, the thread showed just how much range there is in this shadowy subgenre. So whether you’re having a hard time reading the room, or merely looking for an inappropriate laugh, these are some of the best shots in the dark…  

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