16 of the Funniest George Wallace Tweets for the Comedy Hall of Fame

Wallace drops the kind of comedic gold for free online that most comics charge you for
16 of the Funniest George Wallace Tweets for the Comedy Hall of Fame

Due to his booming charm and witty wordplay, George Wallace (this one, not this one) has been delighting audiences in comedy clubs since 1977. While he’s mostly been a supporting player in films and on TV shows, he’s firmly established as one of your favorite comedian’s favorite comedians. The kind of comic who can drag a laugh out of the most jaded of joke professionals.

However, despite being decades into his career, Wallace hasn’t stopped evolving. You don’t have to go see him perform live to know why either (though you should if you can) — just follow him on Twitter. Ever since the bird app first fluttered, Wallace has been unleashing hilarious observations and jokes for free that more than stack up against what you’re supposed to go to a comedy club and pay for.

With that in mind, we’ve gathered some of Wallace’s top tweets for the Comedy Hall of Fame...

On the Hardened Resolve of Tacos

Getting Philosophical About Weird Al

On Greta Thunberg (We Think)

On If the Government Blackbags Him

On Shake Shack

Chuck Palahniuk Would Be Proud

On Why Aquaman Sucks

On Cranberry Sauce

On Missed Opportunities

On Musical Options

On Color Coordination

On the Twains

On a Fast Food Draft

On Dancing in the NFL

On Shoes, Music and Automobiles

On Anatomy

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