This ‘Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic’ Bundle Will Give Your Inner Child the Warm Fuzzies

If millennials hate anything more than screwing up the economy, it’s kids. Maybe it’s because they remind us of a time of grandeur, or maybe we’re just jealous of how unacceptable it is to play with toys as a thirty-something business professional. The toys have gotten cooler, and we’ve become a lot more boring in our fiscal-responsibility era. Relax, you can still have fun in your basement on a Sunday funday (hopefully it’s your own and not your parents), when you score this Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Bundle for $3.99 with no coupon needed during our Kidults Sales Event.
In this deal, you’ll grab both Knights of the Old Republic and Knights of the Old Republic II for your playing pleasure. An immersive, turn-based role-playing expedition, you’re responsible for making sure the Jedi community stays intact and doesn’t go extinct.
Play in order (the original is five years in the past of the second edition), or play all out of sorts. Your job is to unlock new powers, weapons, armor and more to level up your avatar, choose from the Jedi class of your choice, and annihilate the Sith. Just don’t fall into the dark side, it gets a little hairy over there.
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If you really want to get your inner nerd on, there’s also nine customizable characters you can choose from to build your army, including three adventurers, humans, droids, Twi’leks, Wookiees and other George Lucas fever dreams. Your inner kiddo is desperately trying to bring out the geek in you, and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic I and II is what that little sucker needs to give you the warm, fuzzy feels of yesteryear.
Find out why the folks in our store gave this bundle a full five stars. Get The Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Bundle for $3.99 (reg. $19), no coupon needed. Act fast, this deal only lasts until 1/30.
Prices subject to change.