Kim Kardashian Says She Failed 'Baby Bar' Exam in Law School

Kim Kardashian Says She Failed 'Baby Bar' Exam in Law School

Well folks, it seems social media maven, shapewear mogul, and former K9 magazine cover girl has hit a snag in achieving her dream of becoming a lawyer – failing the baby bar exam. 

"So you guys, I did not pass the baby bar," Kardashian said in a teaser clip for an upcoming episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, referencing an exam she says is required after the first year of her four-year law degree program. "This one actually is harder, I hear, than the official bar," she continued. 

Although Kardashian may not have passed the test, the star, whose father, Robert Kardashian notably represented O.J. Simpson during the athlete's 1995 murder trial was “extremely close,” according to human rights attorney Jessica Jackson, who told the celebrity her score in a flashback included in the video. "That's extremely close on a test that most people are not taking in the middle of a pandemic," Jackson explained. 

Despite the extreme circumstances that may have led to her failing the test, Kardashian says she's still disappointed nonetheless. “I am a failure,” the star said. “I spent, you know, six weeks straight, ten to twelve hours a day studying and it was so important for me to take this and to not pass gets your spirits down. It makes you want to give up."

However despite her setback, her sisters Kourtney and Khloe offered their support. "I feel like dad would be really proud of you regardless," Kourtney said. "Just the fact that you're pursuing this."

So Kim, if you're reading this, As my lawyer dad always loves to mention, the bar exam is extremely difficult. You’ll get it next time!

said the star, 

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